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supply的词组搭配accompany英语come withaccompany的固定搭配accomplicated翻译accompany with是什么意思 accompany with在线翻译 accompany with什么意思 accompany with的意思 accompany with的翻译 accompany with的解释 accompany with...

accompany with是什么意思 accompany with在线翻译 accompany with什么意思 accompany with的意思 accompany with的翻译 accompany with的解释 accompany with

Accompanywiththe establishment of a planned economy of the administration instruction system that the propulsion of that plan made the progress inter


A c c o m p a n y w i t h t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t o f a p l a n n e d e c o n o m y o f t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n i n s t r u c t i o n s y s t e m t h a t t h e p r o p u l s i o n o f t h a t p l a n m a d e t h e p r o g r e s s i n t e r . . .

with意思倾向于并列.例如是朋友间(同级的)的陪同.而by的意思倾向于被动.例如children under 14 must be accompanied by adult.长辈对晚辈的陪同.The candidate

relieve from 从…… 中解除,减轻 relieve of 解除;消除;减轻……之…… 2.accompany with伴随着,兼带着;陪……同行 伴有 accompany with伴有accompany movement


accompany with英 美 释义 更多 伴有, 兼有, 带有 把海词放在桌面上,查词最方便触屏版| 电脑版 ©2003 - 2024 海词词典(Dict.cn)立即下载

accompany的意思 vt.陪伴,陪同 伴随…同时发生 伴奏 accompany词组短语 accompany with:伴随着,兼带着;陪…同行 accompany by:随行,伴奏;在…的陪同下 accompa

accompany with相似词语短语 1、complies with───照做,遵守 2、accompany with sb───陪伴某人 3、tired with───厌倦了 4、pack with───用…充满;塞进;挤进;塞满了东西;

accompany with 伴随着,兼带着;陪…同行 Iaccompanywithher to watch boring movies . 我还要陪她看一些无聊的电影。 Maybe through this method, the decedent canaccompany

美 英 un.伴有 网络同着;在…的陪同下;兼带着 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 伴有 释义: 全部,伴有,同着,在…的陪同下,兼带着

版权免责声明 1、本文标题:《accompanywith,accompany英语》